"America's First Daughter" is a historical novel by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie that intricately weaves the story of Martha "Patsy" Jefferson Randolph, the eldest daughter of Thomas Jefferson. Set...
Toni Morrison's novel "Beloved" stands as a seminal work in American literature, weaving a haunting narrative around themes of slavery, motherhood, and the haunting legacy of trauma. Sethe, the protagonist,...
Ghulami Aur Nasal Parasti by Dr. Mubarak Ali explores the historical and socio-political dimensions of slavery and racial discrimination. Dr. Ali delves into how these phenomena have shaped societies, emphasizing...
"Liberalism: A Counter-History" by Domenico Losurdo, with Gregory Elliott, offers a critical examination of liberalism, tracing its development and impact from its origins to contemporary times. The book challenges traditional...
Who Was Harriet Tubman? by Yona Zeldis McDonough offers a compelling journey into the life and legacy of the legendary abolitionist and freedom fighter. Through vivid storytelling and meticulous research,...